Choosing Mechanisms: Store or Value
方式の選択: 価値保存

Medium of exchange

For currencies that are not playing the role of standard of value (i.e. the majority of the complementary currency systems), the function of medium of exchange is the most important one. The ease and costs of their use as medium of exchange depends predominantly of the support medium used in the currency. Hence, this aspect has already been dealt with above, when we were describing the different supports.

Store of Value

The last classical function of money is as store of value. As noted before, it may be desirable to have as complementary currency one that is not used as a tore of value. Currency was indeed not the preferred store of value in most civilizations. For example, the word capital derives from the Latin capus, capitis, which means head. This referred to heads of cattle and still is used today in Texas or among the Watutsi in Africa — “He is worth one thousand head”. In the Western world, from Egyptian times through the Middle Ages and until the late 18th century, wealth was stored mainly in land and improvements, that’s why it’s called Real Estate (irrigations, plantations, etc.).
お金の基本的機能の最後は、価値保存です。すでにお話したように、価値保存手段として使われない補完通貨の導入が望ましいこともあります。実際通貨は、多くの文明に置いて最も好まれる価値保存手段ではありませんでした。たとえば「資本」を意味する英語capitalは「頭」を意味するラテン語(capus, capitis)に由来しています。これは家畜の頭数を意味しており、今でもテキサスや、アフリカのワツチ族では「彼は家畜1000頭の価値がある」という表現が使われます。西洋世界では、エジプト時代から中世まで、また18世紀後半まで、富は基本的に土地やインフラの改善として蓄えてきたため、不動産のことを英語ではReal Estate(直訳すると「本当の財産」、灌漑設備や農園など)と呼ぶのです。

Specifically, if one desires to encourage circulation of a currency, one good way to do so is to discourage the hoarding of that currency through various mechanisms such as demurrage or expiration deadlines as will be explained next. Therefore, classifying currencies in terms of their function of store of value is in fact the same as analyzing the way they relate to time.

Interest bearing currencies: One way whereby one can encourage people to save in the form of a currency is paying interest. This is the typical situation with all conventional currencies because they are created by bank debt. Interest is a charge that is proportional to the length of time involved in the loan. In this type of currency, one receives interest by making a deposit in that currency; and one can borrow money by paying interest.
利息のかかる通貨: 通貨の形での貯蓄を促す方法は利息の支払いです。これは、銀行の負債として創造される通常の通貨全ての現状です。利息は融資期間の長さに比例して課される料金です。この種類の通貨では、通貨で預金をすると利息をもらえ、お金を借りるときには利息を支払います。

Zero-interest: The vast majority of complementary currencies are simply operating without interest. For example, loyalty currencies or mutual credit systems don’t accrue interest, and for those systems where one can borrow complementary currency typically no interest is being charged either.
利息なし: 圧倒的大多数の補完通貨は、単に利息なしで運営されています。たとえばロイヤルティ通貨や相互信用システムでは利息合せ伊勢図、補完通貨を借りることのできるシステムの多くでは金利は課されません。

Demurrage charged currencies: The opposite of an interest-bearing currency is a demurrage-charged currency. Demurrage is a time related charge on outstanding positive balances of a currency. It can be visualized as a parking fee on the currency. It operates exactly as a negative interest rate, and is used as a disincentive to hoard the currency. John Maynard Keynes, Silvio Gesell, Irving Fisher, and Dieter Suhr provided a strong theoretical foundation for this approach, and it was extensively implemented in the form of “stamp scrip” in
the 1930’s. Today, the most successful grassroots complementary currency in Japan, the Peanuts, charges a demurrage of 1% per month.
持ち越し費用のかかる通貨: 利息のかかる通貨の逆として、持ち越し費用のかかる通過があります。持ち越し費用とは、ある程度以上の通貨プラス残高に対して時間に応じた料金がかかるシステムです。これは通貨の駐車料金とイメージいsてもらえればわかりやすいでしょう。これはまさにマイナス利子として作用し、通貨の保存を防ぐ目的で行われます。ジョン・メイナード・ケインズ、シルビオ・ゲゼル(Silvio Gesell)、アーヴィング・フィッシャー(Irving Fisher)やディーター・ズーア(Dieter Suhr)がこのアプローチに対して強固な理論的基盤を提示しており、1930年代に「スタンプ通貨」の形で幅広く導入されました。今日世界で最も成功している草の根地域通貨である日本のピーナッツは、月1%の持ち越し費用がかかります。

最終更新:2007年02月05日 18:25