Why a Leadership Team?


Experience has demonstrated that the single most important factor that predetermines the success or failure of any complementary currency project is the quality of the leader or of the leadership team.


The team is needed because one of the critical elements of success for a community currency is direct contact with and involvement of the target audience. If your objective is to have a real impact on the social or commercial sector you have identified, the stakeholders in that sector need to be actively involved in the design and implementation of the currency.


As the ideas come to fruition, you will discover other people you need on the team, like bankers, printers, or other companies. Don’t hesitate to expand the group – the more informed people who have a voice in how it will ultimately work, the more likely it is that it will be successful.

考えが実現に達して、あなたはあなたがチームの運営上で必要とする他の人を発見して、銀行家、印刷業者または他の会社といったように。グループを拡大するのを躊躇しないでください –発言権のある情報に通じた人々を働かせる人々に知らせること、おそらく結局はそれが成功するための何よりの近道です。

Leadership Team Worksheet


Team Members / Affiliation / contact Information


Initial Meeting Schedule


Date / Time / Location


最終更新:2007年02月13日 23:49