Setting Objectives for the Community Currency


Evaluating Community Currencies to Meet Your Needs


There are a wide variety of unmet needs:


· Social needs such as elderly care or youth mentoring;
· 高齢者介護や若者支援などの社会的需要

· Economic needs like unemployment and underemployment,
· 失業や非正規雇用(フリーター・派遣社員・バイト・パートなど)といった経済的需要
· Commercial needs like helping the locally owned businesses to better compete against the supermarket chains and big box stores;
· 大規模スーパーやショッピングモールに対して地元商店が競争力をつけられるようにする商業的需要
· Ecological, cultural, educational or regional identity activities;
· 環境・文化・教育・地域意識活動
· Supporting local non-profit organizations and community projects.
· 地元NPOや地域事業の支援

Only our imaginations are the limit of what can be done with complementary currency designs.


Similarly, underutilized resources can be found in the most unexpected places:

· Obviously, any unemployed person who is willing and able to do something has some unused capacities.
· 当然のことですが、何かをしたいという欲求とその能力のある失業者は誰でも未使用の能力を持っています。
· The next time you go to your neighborhood restaurant or movie house, count the tables and chairs that are empty: these are all unused resources that could be mobilized for your purposes. Schools or other buildings that are empty during part of the day, week or the year;
· 近所の食堂や映画館に今度向かう際、空いている席の数を数えてみてください。これら全てが、補完通貨の目的に活用することができる未使用の資源です。空いている時間・曜日・月などがある学校などの建物もこれに含むことができます。
· Empty chairs in college, university or vocational courses;
· 大学や職業訓練施設などの空き定員
· Youth organizations and other non-profits that have people ready to do things if supplies are provided.
· 青年会など、供給さえあれば仕事をする気のある人のいるNPO

The idea is to design complementary currencies that are backed by or redeemable in some of those underutilized resources, and can be mobilized to meet the unmet needs on which one wishes to focus.


Economists will correctly point out that matching needs and resources is the function of the market, even without complementary currencies. And if by the agency of some magic wand all humans on the planet suddenly had an optimal distribution of money, one could even imagine that there wouldn’t be any unmet needs.


The reality is clearly different. Therefore, the starting point for complementary currencies is to meet needs that remain unfulfilled after transactions facilitated with conventional money available to the community have taken place. Similarly, the unused resources are those that haven’t been used in economic transactions mediated by conventional money.


The economics of frequent flyer miles illustrates how this process works even in strictly commercial environments. A well managed frequent flyer mile system is the one that obtains something (customer loyalty) at the cost of an unused resource (an airline chair that would be otherwise remain empty). We are simply extrapolating these same concepts to a broader environment, and where the benefits would be those chosen by the participants themselves in the regional systems.


最終更新:2007年01月20日 16:26