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[[Community Currency Guide]]トップページに戻る [[CCガイド 23ページ]] Choosing Mechanisms: Cost Recovery Cost Recovery Mechanisms All payment systems cost some human effort to be kept in operation, and typically also infrastructure expenses. While some may be able to be covered in the complementary currency itself (typically labor), there is often a hard currency component (computers, Internet service or telephone expenses) that need to be covered one way or the other. When that aspect hasn’t been thought through, the operation and maintenance of the currency system tend to gradually deteriorate, service is provided in a haphazard way, with the consequence of slowly degrading satisfaction of the users. In short, unless some income is generated to pay for the work performed the system is probably not going to be sustainable in the long-run. The first step is to make a clear separation of what costs need to be covered in conventional money, and what part can be covered with the complementary currency. There are two types of budgets to be made in each of these currencies: a start-up and an on-going operation budget. Next, the options to generate income are chosen, for each type of currency involved. These options are limited, what follows is an exhaustive list. No Recovery: The first option is not to recover any of the costs. For the complementary currency component of the costs, most mutual credit systems simply open an account for “general overhead” and the people doing work for the system, are credited and this overhead account is debited. For other systems, or for the conventional currency component, not recovering any costs is sustainable only if the design of the system is such that no such costs are incurred in the first place, or if there is a “sugar-daddy” organization that is willing to either provide or raise the funds to make the system operational and keep it going. Some peer-to-peer systems are actually designed to incur no costs, and therefore do not need membership or recovery mechanism either. That is the case for instance with the WAT system in Japan, based on bills of trade issued by businesses among each other. Flat Fee: The second classical option is to have a flat fee. That can be a periodical membership fee (typically yearly or quarterly) or an entry fee that participants pay to the central operation to be able to participate. In some cases, there are higher membership fees for businesses than for individuals. This is usually done to cover the conventional money component of the costs. Transaction Fee: Transaction fees fall in two categories: those that are based on a small percentage of the amount involved, and those that are a flat amount for each transaction. They are typically levied at the moment of the transaction, although some provide a monthly total instead. The transaction fees are normally levied in the same currency of the transaction itself. Interest, demurrage, and other time related charges: In the section on store of value we discussed the issues around interest, demurrage, step functions, or expiration deadline currencies. Of course, such time related charges produce an... [[CCガイド 25ページ]]
[[Community Currency Guide]]トップページに戻る [[CCガイド 23ページ]] Choosing Mechanisms: Cost Recovery 仕組みの選択: コスト回収 Cost Recovery Mechanisms コスト回収の方式 All payment systems cost some human effort to be kept in operation, and typically also infrastructure expenses. While some may be able to be covered in the complementary currency itself (typically labor), there is often a hard currency component (computers, Internet service or telephone expenses) that need to be covered one way or the other. When that aspect hasn’t been thought through, the operation and maintenance of the currency system tend to gradually deteriorate, service is provided in a haphazard way, with the consequence of slowly degrading satisfaction of the users. In short, unless some income is generated to pay for the work performed the system is probably not going to be sustainable in the long-run. どの支払い方式でも運営を続けるためには、人手や設備の経費がある程度かかります。補完通貨システムそのものでカバーできる経費もありますが(特に労力)、法定通貨で費用が発生する要素(パソコン、インターネット接続や電話代)は法定通貨で賄わなければなりません。この側面をきちんと考えないと通貨システムの運営や維持が少しずつ難しくなり、システムの運営が不安定になり、その結果として利用者の満足度も徐々に下がってゆきます。つまり、法定通貨での収入で業務への支払いが行わなければ、システムは長期的に持続可能ではなくなるかもしれません。 The first step is to make a clear separation of what costs need to be covered in conventional money, and what part can be covered with the complementary currency. There are two types of budgets to be made in each of these currencies: a start-up and an on-going operation budget. 最初のステップは、法定通貨で賄う必要があるコストで、補完通貨で賄えるコストを明確に区別することです。どちらのコストでも、発足時の予算と運営維持予算があります。 Next, the options to generate income are chosen, for each type of currency involved. These options are limited, what follows is an exhaustive list. 次に、法定通貨や補完通貨での収入を得る選択肢を選びます。選択肢は以下の通り限られています。 No Recovery: The first option is not to recover any of the costs. For the complementary currency component of the costs, most mutual credit systems simply open an account for “general overhead” and the people doing work for the system, are credited and this overhead account is debited. コスト回収せず: コストを全く回収しないという選択肢がまず考えられます。補完通貨でのコストに関しては、相互信頼システムの多くでは「一般管理費」という口座を作って、システムの運営に関わっている人に一般管理費口座から対価を支払う方法を取っています。 For other systems, or for the conventional currency component, not recovering any costs is sustainable only if the design of the system is such that no such costs are incurred in the first place, or if there is a “sugar-daddy” organization that is willing to either provide or raise the funds to make the system operational and keep it going. Some peer-to-peer systems are actually designed to incur no costs, and therefore do not need membership or recovery mechanism either. That is the case for instance with the WAT system in Japan, based on bills of trade issued by businesses among each other. 他のシステムや、法定通貨が関わる要素に関しては、システムの設計上法定通貨での経費が発生しない場合か、あるいはシステムの運営に必要な資金を提供・調達してくれてシステムを持続させてくれる「裕福な」団体がある場合にのみ可能です。個人間のシステムの中には実際にコストが発生せず、それにより会費や費用回収の仕組みを必要としないものもあります。これはたとえば、企業がお互いに発行する取引手形を基にした日本のWATシステムがあてはまります。 Flat Fee: The second classical option is to have a flat fee. That can be a periodical membership fee (typically yearly or quarterly) or an entry fee that participants pay to the central operation to be able to participate. In some cases, there are higher membership fees for businesses than for individuals. This is usually done to cover the conventional money component of the costs. 定額: 2つ目の基本的な選択肢は、定額制を導入することです。これは定期的な会費(たとえば年会費、あるいは3ヵ月ごとの会費)や入会金として会員が事務局にお金を払うことで、事務作業ができるようにすることです。企業向けには個人よりも高い会費が設定されている場合もあります。この制度は、主に法定通貨のコストを賄うために使われています。 Transaction Fee: Transaction fees fall in two categories: those that are based on a small percentage of the amount involved, and those that are a flat amount for each transaction. They are typically levied at the moment of the transaction, although some provide a monthly total instead. The transaction fees are normally levied in the same currency of the transaction itself. 取引手数料: 取引手数料は2つに分類されます。取引額の一定割合を徴収する方法や、取引に対して定額を徴収する方法です。この料金はたいていは取引ごとに徴収されますが、月ごとにまとめて徴収する場合もあります。取引手数料に関しては普通は、法定通貨建てでの取引額に対しては法定通貨で、補完通貨建てでの取引額に対しては補完通貨で徴収されます。 Interest, demurrage, and other time related charges: In the section on store of value we discussed the issues around interest, demurrage, step functions, or expiration deadline currencies. Of course, such time related charges produce an... 金利、「持ち越し手数料」など時間に関連した料金: 価値の保存の部分で金利や「持ち越し手数料」、階段関数や有効期限つき通貨についてお話ししました。もちろん、これら時間に関連した料金は… [[CCガイド 25ページ]]

